
 公司新闻     |      2020-04-07 11:57
Rough Weather from 5G Tech

The rollout of 5G wireless technology will make mobile communications dramatically faster and more efficient. But 5G could also lead to dangerous setbacks for weather forecasting. That is the worry voiced by national and international science agencies and independent experts. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC), however, which regulates U.S. wireless networks, doesn't seem concerned—and that's a big problem.



5G promises better performance than earlier generations of wireless telecommunications. Some of 5G's frequency bands, however, are perilously close to those used by weather instruments on Earth­orbiting satellites. The 5Gtransmissions at 24 gigahertz can overlap with the 23.8­GHz signal naturally emitted by atmospheric water vapor and monitored by these instruments. Visible in day or night, through clear or cloudy skies, the 23.8­GHz signal is are liable indicator of humidity that is used to sharpen weather forecasts—including the strengths, locations and paths of storms—on scales from hours to days. Unless, that is, the data are disrupted by some source of interference—such as the signals emitted by new 5G base stations and devices.


That interference is measured in units called decibel watts, and several agencies have called for relatively strict limits on how much of this electronic noise is permissible—the more negative the number, the stricter. The European Commission, for example, set a maximum threshold of –42 decibel watts. But during an inaugural auction last year for U.S. rights to use the 24­GHztransmission band, the FCC set a much looser noise limit of–20 decibel watts—well in excess of ceilings based on studies from NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the U.S. Navy.



After the auction, NOAA acting administrator Neil Jacobs told Congress that the FCC's lax noise limits would result in as much as a 77 percent drop in satellite water vapor data. This, Jacobs said, could lead to a two­ to three­day lagin predicting the movements of hurricanes, effectively throwing the nation's satellite­based forecasting capabilities back to 1980levels. Moreover, Jacobs testified, 5G interference could force NOAA to abandon plans for new weather satellites.


Yet late last fall delegates of the International Telecommunication Union Radio communication Sector (ITU­R), the organization managing global radio­spectrum use, agreed to introductory 5G noise limits of between –29 and –33 decibel watts. Taking effect this year, the ITU­R limits are more stringent than the FCC's but are still likely to be a problem for meteorologists.



Responding to congressional concerns before last spring's auction, commission chair Ajit Pai defended the decisions on 5Gnoise limits, calling criticisms "exaggerated and unverified last minute assertions." Yet it is the FCC, not its critics, that is failing to validate its claims: as of this writing, the commission has yet to produce any study supporting its recommended 5G noise limits. Meanwhile the agency is planning auctions of other5G­frequency bands that overlap with satellite monitoring of precipitation, clouds and sea ice.

针对国会在去年春季拍卖前的担忧,委员会主席阿吉特•帕伊(Ajit Pai)为有关5G噪音限制的决定辩护,称批评“在最后一刻被夸大和未经证实”。然而,未能验证其说法的是FCC,而不是它的批评者:在撰写本文时,委员会尚未拿出任何支持其建议的5G噪声限制的研究。与此同时,该机构正在计划拍卖与卫星监测降水,云层和海冰重叠的其他5G频段。


These actions are part of a broader, more disturbing pattern of imperious behavior by the FCC. The agency has already opened up previously protected regions of the radio spectrum for new uses while rapidly moving forward with approvals for globe girdling constellations of satellites offering broadband Internet.





美国联邦通信委员会,英文名称为:FCC( Federal Communications Commission),是一家独立的政府机构,直接对美国国会负责,于1934年由COMMUNICATION ACT建立,它负责常规的州际、国际通信,如:电视机,电线、卫星、电缆方面的工作,涉及美国50多个州、哥伦比亚以及美国所属地区,为确保与生命财产有关的无线电和电线通信产品的安全性。


Both types of activity could degrade a wide array of astronomical observations from ground­based telescopes, and a massive influx of new satellites also poses significant risks of creating more "space junk," which already threatens existingorbital assets, including the International Space Station.



Fortunately, the FCC is not unaccountable. In a rare instance of congressional bipartisanship, in December 2019 the top Democrat and Republican on the House Science Committee jointly asked the Government Accountability Office to investigate why, exactly, the FCC's 5G recommendations dier so strongly from those of other federal agencies.



This is a good start. Congress should use its considerable powers, budgetary and otherwise, to increase pressure on the FCC to "show its work" and to engage more meaningfully with dissenting government agencies, scientific institutions and other stakeholders to develop sustainable solutions for 5G—and for accurate weather forecasting.

这是一个好的开始。国会应该利用其相当大的权力,无论是在预算方面还是其他方面,对FCC施加更大的压力,要求其“展示工作成果”, 并与不同的政府机构,科学机构和其他利益相关者进行更有意义的互动,以开发可持续发展的5G解决方案以及准确的天气预报。